Monday, August 24, 2009

What's really there to look forward to?

It's that time again. Today, I feel like I should get my life back on track despite the summer fun and brain dead occurrences.

It'll be my 3rd year in college, and I feel like there's really nothing to look forward to, since there has been a lot of changes. I mean, really I can't blame them, but it happens for a reason. I know I feel confident for myself, but the people around me that I once thought they would be with me until my college career is a doubt according to all these circumstances that have been happening. I know I'm kinda being vague right now, but I really don't want to get too deep since this is personal information.

I think the truth is that I'm excited for myself, but not for other people. I'm glad that I had this summer to feel my independence - away from friends and roommates that whom I used to live with. I feel that I had my private space and I had no one to worry about. I felt comfortable that way, this summer.

But whatever, what is there to look forward to. Friends, events, people??...No. The answer to that, ladies and gentlemen, is my future.

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